August 22, 2018

Portable Electric Fence Specialists

Reasons to Consider Electric Fencing

Electric fencing, sometimes called power fencing, is an effective way to control

livestock on most farms. The only places where electric fences should not be used

are in cattle-handling facilities where quick exits might be necessary or near the

milking facilities of dairy operations.


Electric fencing offers two major advantages over other types of fencing. One

is cost. The cost to install a four-strand, barbed-wire fence is about $5,000 per

mile. The cost to install a typical, single-wire, electric fence is about $1,600 per

mile. If necessary, additional wires can be added to an electric-fence for about 10

cents per foot. There could be additional costs to install electric fencing in certain

cases. For instance, Missouri law requires that property line fences be at least four

feet tall and have posts at least every 12 feet.

The other big advantage of electric fencing is its ease of construction, which

improves forage management opportunities. Small pastures can greatly enhance

harvest efficiency and increase the amount of forage produced from a grazing system

because of the amount of rest that is introduced into the system.

gallagher fence

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