October 31, 2017

New discounted pricing on all M1000, M600, and M300 Fence chargers

Check out the lower discounted prices on Gallagher Electric Fence energizers from Valley Farm Supply! The M1000, M600, and M300 fence chargers have been reduced to save our farmer and rancher customers.

The M1000 is a 10 Joule fencer and made for large farms.

The M600 puts out 6 Joules of electric fence shock and an ideal electric fence energizer for a mid size farm.

The M300 is now reduced and a great deal for smaller operations where electric fence chargers need to keep livestock safe.

check out our entire selection of electric fence chargers at www.valleyfarmsupply.com


john Anderson said:

I have been given a new still in plastic M300, just enquiring on value?


Neal said:

I’m needing a fuse number for a M300 charger please.

Thank you

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