September 13, 2018

Low voltage on electric fence | Troubleshooting and solutions

Problem: Low voltmeter readings at several locations on fence....


A. Probable Cause: Energizer is on low setting or

is inadequate for length of fence

Solution: Switch energizer to high setting;

install more powerful unit

B. Probable Cause:Weak batteries

Solution: Recharge or replace batteries

C. Probable Cause: Terminals corroded

Solution: Clean terminals

D. Probable Cause: Ground system is inadequate

or deteriorated

Solution: Repair or replace ground system


VUSI said:



Pieter Bloem said:

fence energiser only has output at energiser of 3.5k volts after disconnecting every ting and replacing with short piece of wire. No voltage on earth and appear in good condition it is a 300 unit .Up until recently was doing 5k.
do the energisers drop in power output over time

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