September 03, 2018

Electric Fence Energizer / Charger Troubleshooting and Solutions

Problem: Energizer is operating, but there is no voltmeter reading on the fence with the energizer connected


A. Probable Cause: Ground-return wire is disconnected

or broken

Solution: Connect or repair ground-return wire

B. Probable Cause: Feed-wire terminals are corroded,

disconnected or broken

Solution: Connect or repair feed wire terminals

C. Probable Cause: Broken, corroded or disconnected

live wire or ground-return on fence

Solution: Connect or repair live wire or

ground-return on fence

D. Probable Cause: Soil is dried out

Solution: Install ground-return wire


Jim said:

My charger is working but I am not getting the charge to the fence. Green is grounded. Red is hooked up to the wire. Help??

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