January 14, 2017

Cattle Sheep and goat sale at Jackson MN livestock exchange

SAVE THE DATE ***THIS SATURDAY, JANUARY 14TH*** Check out Jackson Livestock Exchange in Jackson, MN on our 1st sale back for the new year !!!!! FEEDER CATTLE/BRED COW SPECIAL 10:30 A.M. > REGULAR CATTLE, SHEEP AND GOAT SALE TO FOLLOW!!! https://www.facebook.com/events/226326487793171/?ti=cl ***More Early listings include***20-bred spring calving cow's( Mulder),18-spring calving cow's,5- bred spring calving cow's,25- Col Strs/Hfrs,Home Raised,green tagged,ni,weaned,500-675# (also been on year round mineral program),13 Hd Black Str/Hfr Calves 400-575# (Vacs & weaned), 22 Steers & Heifers 450-750# (Weaned, Double Vaccinated, & Poured),12 Hd Black Angus Steers & Heifers 650# (vacs & weaned), 17- Holstein Steers 650-700# (All Natural & On Full Feed),9- British White Steers- 500-550# Vacs & Weaned, 40- Strs/Hfrs 600#(Vacs & Weaned), Registered Kiko Buck, 2016 Boer Buckling,12-Bred Ewes (Due Feb/March), 10-Bred Boer X Does (Due Feb), 15-Boer KIds 50-65 #, 8-Exposed Dairy Does, 4- Cull Ewes, 32-Lambs 80-120#, 10-Bottle Bucklings, 4- Boer Cross Doelings 40#,15-Bred Ewes (Due April 20th), 1-Suffolk Ram, 9-Boer Cross Kids 40#, 5-Bottle Dairy Bucklings, 50-Market Lambs 130#, 3-Purebred Hampshire Ram Lambs (might be bringing Ewe Lambs too), 5-Nigerian Dwarf Goats (Does, doelings, wethers), 100-Boer & Boer/Spanish Bred Does, 3-Bred Boer Does (Pictured), Registered Boer Buck, 2 Boer doelings 55#, 1-Boer buckling 70#,50-mkt lambs 150# (Crowell), 35 Boer x kids 45-65#, 12-dairy kids 55-75#, 2 Nigerian bred does due end of January & much more by sale time...Let us know if you have stock to advertise!!! Trent: 507-840-1212 Kathy: 507-840-1131

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