1. How do you compare units (acres versus miles versus .17 joule)
There is no set standard by which to compare similar products. The same charge, same wire and same grounding set-up will often lead to different types of advertising for those products. For instance, “Company X” [name redacted] tests a single strand of wire under perfect conditions to come up with their advertised numbers.
When Gallagher’s S-17 is tested, it is tested under field conditions in New Zealand with a multi-wire set ups (including cross fencing) on many different classes of livestock. So when you see the S-17 advertised, you know what you are getting.
When you are comparing products to purchase, keep in mind that everyone’s testing conditions are different— it depends on the livestock, the regional environment and etc.
2. How important are ground rods?
There are three components integral when considering electric fence as an option for your livestock: energizer, wire and grounding. It is recommended that you utilize three ground rods when building fence for livestock. Why? The ground rods are the “antenna” that pick up and deliver the electricity being used to effectively keep your animal penned in—more rods used, the more efficient the fence will be. More power completing the circuit and delivered to the offending animal. If you don’t use enough ground rods in your fence, your bull will walk right through it. Grounding is one of the most important aspects of fencing that is overlooked—you need check to make sure you have the right solution for your fencing needs.
3. What’s the capacity of the S-17?
The S-17 is recommended for small acreage areas. The S-17 (17 because it sends a .17 Joule charge down the line) has been proven to work on multi-wire areas up to 1 mile of fence. The solar power operation is ideal for permanent installations or remote locations. It has been used for bulls, sheep, even to keep bears out of honey bee hives. Another important aspect to consider when selecting an energizer is the wire—for instance, some wires have a resistance have 10K Ohms/mi. (ideal for under ¼ mile) and some have a resistance of 209 Ohms/mi. The lower the resistance number, the more power is delivered down the line.
*From North 40 Outfitters
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Can I use a 12V charger to recharge my S17 battery that has gone flat as a tack or do I need to get either a special charger unit or but a new battery?