May 22, 2014

More and more farmers are looking at the option of temporary electric fencing.

Fencing is one of those jobs that many farmers don't like to do - but when it can be easily rolled out and rolled back up again it's a different story.

More and more farmers are looking at the option of temporary electric fencing.

The fence can be put up and taken down by the farmer pretty easily and sheep learn pretty quickly not to go near it.

Matthew McLauchlan has been travelling to farmer workshops and field days to show them how to use the fencing.

He says it has definitely become more popular with farmers who want to strip graze - a grazing management system that gives livestock a fresh bit of pasture every few days.

"Five years ago when I started in this job I had hardly heard of strip grazing.

"You can run a lot more sheep on a smaller acreage block and then when you are finished in that area you can quickly move the fence to another paddock."

Kerran Glover runs sheep on his property at Lock on South Australia's Eyre Peninsula.

He says the temporary fencing has come in handy to protect parts of his farm.

It's good to isolate areas that were prone to overgrazing, for instance on sand hills where sheep like to camp.

"So using the electric fencing to isolate some of those prone areas to erosion and allow those areas to get away and so we have ground cover on it later in the year."

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