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We offer electric fencing systems, weighing, data collection and Miraco watering system for specific animal management and applications to meet your unique needs. Gallagher Fencing is an industry leader in electric animal control fences. Whether it be plug in, battery, or solar powered. Gallagher fence means quality , All the way down to the wire. Gallagher animal management systems at gallagher electric fencing.com Gallagher electric fence for sale.
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Financial and Technical support is available for any farm, ranch, and farm-related businesses from a variety of Federal, State and Local agencies and from non-governmental organizations. Chances are good that there are grants or funding available to off-set the purchase of our products. Start your search here to help manage natural resources in a sustainable manner..
Where can I find Agriculture Funding Resources?
NRCS Cost Share Opportunities and Grants
Local and State (NRCS) Natural Resource Conservation Service Offices
USDA Farm Service Agency Conservation Programs and Grants
Sustainable Agriculture Grants
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Grants
Battery for S15 S17 S22
Gallagher Smart Fence System
3 Gallagher Smart Fence Portable Fences
Gallagher Power Fence Pliers